

A fabulous and rare grey (about 1 in 100 alpacas are grey) she’s one of our homebred girls, the daughter of Ashling and our wonderful Australian stud Boulevarde. We’re very excited for 2021 because Argente had a hot date in July 2020 with one of our new grey...


The boss or matriarch of the girls, she was our first ever baby. Oonagh, pronounced “Una” is 16 years old and has had 9 babies or cria for us, and has now retired from the breeding program, she leaves growing the herd to her daughters and granddaughters!...


She’s Khaleesi’s daughter and her dad is Jasper so it’s no surprise she has a lovely fleece.  She became a mum for the first time in 2023 and loved it so much would stand to feed anyone and everyone which meant her own baby Nancy wasn’t getting enough milk so...