Fourth cria of Duchess and her third son, Hughie was the first boy of the Barnacre herd. He was born premature and required Debbie’s helping hand and 24 hour care for the first few days of his life.
Hughie has a dense buttery apricot coloured fleece with great brightness. He won third place in the junior fawn class at the 2008 Kelso show, Scotland. He was also awarded the best fleece at the 2008 Slayley show – gold star Hughie ⭐️ , very well done! Hughie ended 2008 with 2nd male fawn alpaca at the Westmorland show. 2009 started with 4th place (intermediate fawn male) at the Northumberland show and ended with 4th place (adult fawn male) at the Yorkshire show. Hughie has continued his international superstar status with an appearance in the Morpeth Herlald, and on 15 March 2009 appeared on BBC Countryfile with the rest of the Barnacre herd.
Although, or maybe because Hughie was attacked by a dog and bit 13 times he likes to keep a very close eye on Debbie, he’s her protector and plays ‘policeman’ so no one can get near her!