by Debbie Rippon | Feb 2, 2023
On 11 July 2022 after a few months, ok years, of persistence Barbara and Paul Hetherington kindly agreed to let us have one of their truly outstanding boys and we added the phenomenal Beck Brow No Jacket Required (Ninja – get it? NJR…) and we’re...
by Debbie Rippon | Jan 8, 2022
Velegro is… Registered with British Alpaca Society Show Results 1st intermediate fawn female and Champion fawn female at the 2021 Westmorland County Show 6th intermediate fawn female at the 2021 NEBAG halter show
by Debbie Rippon | Nov 23, 2020
Fourth cria of Duchess and her third son, Hughie was the first boy of the Barnacre herd. He was born premature and required Debbie’s helping hand and 24 hour care for the first few days of his life. Hughie has a dense buttery apricot coloured fleece with great...
by Debbie Rippon | Nov 22, 2020
Zoom is a very gentle boy who did very well in the show ring and is a multiple fawn champion. Sadly he fires blanks so has never been able to produce us any babies, he also suffers from eczema which can be hereditary so this isn’t something we want be breed...