Basket Weave Head Snug


Straight from nature to nurture, stylish and warm, this bespoke head snug has been hand knitted in 100% Barnacre Alpaca yarn.

Barnacre Alpaca yarn is hypoallergenic, warm, luxuriously soft and strong, so ideally suitable for delicate skin. It is 100% natural and fully sustainable from rural Northumberland.

SKU: ba-hs-001 Category:


Straight from nature to nurture, stylish and warm, this bespoke head snug has been hand knitted in 100% Barnacre Alpaca yarn. These natural coloured yarns are from our fleece which has been processed locally at a specific alpaca mini mill without the use of harsh chemicals.  For this creation we have used Lily.

Barnacre Alpaca yarn is hypoallergenic, warm, luxuriously soft and strong, so ideally suitable for delicate skin. It is 100% natural and fully sustainable from rural Northumberland.

Alpaca is an insulating fibre so ideal for keeping you toasty warm.  This ideal gift will be beautifully gift wrapped and posted to you by Royal Mail “first class mail”. We will also send you a bespoke information card including details of how to care for this natural hand knitted product and who donated their fleece .

You can find out all about the alpacas who donated fleece to this special creation on the “meet the herd” section of our website.


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Charcoal(Midnight Star), Cream barber pole (Curio & Delphic), Grey (Lily), White (Thor)