by Debbie Rippon | May 2, 2022
Hades is one of our popular walk n talkers. You can see him in the picture taking one of his humans and a dandelion out for a walk! His fleece is a fabulous steel grey and is destined for our knitwear range. He is a funny boy on the walks, sometimes happy to be at the...
by Debbie Rippon | Nov 23, 2020
Randall is a lovely gentle sweet boy who is a regular on the Barnacre walk and talks and loves the interaction with his two legged carrot feeding friends! Debbie accidentally entered him into a show (when you’ve got over 400 alpacas it’s easily done on a...
by Debbie Rippon | Nov 22, 2020
Nelson was named after Nelson Mandela, he was born the day after what would have been his birthday. At a week old Nelson got severe heat stoke and Debbie spent months working hard to keep him alive with the help of our amazing vet Sam Prescott. That means he’s...