

Khaleesi is one of the rare female alpacas we got from a very special Australian alpaca called Sandjo Heart Throb of Anzac. She is also one of the ‘boss’ Oonagh’s daughters and we suspect one day will take over as herd matriarch.  She can be stubborn...
All that Jazz

All that Jazz

All that Jazz, or Jazz for short and to her friends was sadly orphaned at 7 weeks when her mum died unexpectedly. The youngest of our 2023 cria, her best friends are the other bottle fed babies, especially Dora, Nightshade and Little Nicas. Registered with British...
Beck Brow Glory Daze

Beck Brow Glory Daze

One of Debbie’s mantras is not giving up on her passions. This applies equally to poorly alpacas and securing one of, if not the finest alpaca we have ever seen. His name is Beck Brow Glory Daze and since Monday 17 July 2023 he stands at stud with us at Barnacre...
Herts Alpacas Grey Aramist

Herts Alpacas Grey Aramist

In between the Covid-19 lockdowns in 2020 Herts Alpacas Grey Aramist and his friend and fellow stud Indie Sky (Indie), moved 250 miles north to live with us. Aramist is a lovely steel grey whereas his buddy Indie is rose grey. Thanks again to Nigel and Katie for...
Beck Brow No Jacket Required

Beck Brow No Jacket Required

On 11 July 2022 after a few months, ok years, of persistence Barbara and Paul Hetherington kindly agreed to let us have one of their truly outstanding boys and we added the phenomenal Beck Brow No Jacket Required (Ninja – get it? NJR…) and we’re...